Lockers / Ski Valet
Ease your load – rent a locker for the entire season! 2024/25 Seasonal Lockers are available for $350 or, if you rented one last season renew for $50 off ($300). Reserve yours by calling 719.530.5105.

Day Lockers
Day lockers are available in two sizes; 12” x 13” x 19” and 12” x 22” x 19” and cost $8 and $12 per day respectively (credit card only). You set the access combination and can get in and out of them multiple times throughout the day. They are for day use only and must be emptied by the end of the day (4:30pm). (Items left overnight will be removed and taken to lost and found). Lockers are located at the bottom level of the main lodge in the seating area and in the Rental and Lesson Center.

Seasonal Lockers
We have Seasonal Lockers for rent for the entire season, available for $350 or, if you rented a seasonal locker last season, renew for 24/25 for $300!. They are 12” x 87” x 19” and will fit two pairs of skis and poles or two snowboards, and two pairs of boots (on boot dryers). The Seasonal Locker Room is a secured area with authorized access only. Lockers are accessed with a code set by the locker holder. Call 719.530.5105 to reserve.

Ski Storage and Valet Services
Store your skis+poles/snowboard overnight at our valet near the Rental & Lesson Center for $10/night, based on availability. This does not include boot storage. Check in at the Rental counter. Day-use rack locks for skis/snowboard are available for rent or purchase in our Elation Sports shop. Specific outdoor racks have the required locking mechanism for these locks. Do not lock equipment to any racks overnight as the racks are moved every evening for snow grooming. Locks are $5/day to rent or $25 to purchase.
Pro Tips
- Boot up and suit up at your car and bring only what you think you’ll need through the day.
- Most parking is close-in and the number of day lockers is limited. Your vehicle makes a great, secure locker!
- Do not leave personal items not in a locker unattended in or around any building. Items left unattended will be removed.
- Skis, poles and snowboards are not allowed inside the main lodge.
- Do not leave your skis/snowboard, locked or otherwise, in or around any building or leaning on the racks overnight. They may get buried, moved or damaged. Monarch is not responsible for buried, moved or damaged equipment.
- Return any rental equipment, remove your equipment from the racks, and/or empty the day-locker of personal items by 4:30pm.
- Please be aware that theft of equipment, though rare, generally occurs between 4 and 5pm when people are walking to their cars. Items left out are easily picked up, whether by mistake or intentionally.