No Name Expansion

What is the Monarch Mountain No Name expansion?
The Monarch Mountain No Name Expansion is an exciting development project that will enhance the ski area’s offerings by adding 377 acres of new terrain and 10-12 new named runs. The terrain will feature 1,000 vertical feet with a variety of options for skiers and riders, including intermediate and advanced trails with groomed, bump, and gladed sections. This expansion aims to provide 50% more skiable acres accessible from the Breezeway or Panorama Lifts.
When will the expansion open?
After years of careful planning, permitting, and assessments, Monarch Mountain received USFS approval to begin the project in July 2024. Throughout the summer, the ski area worked with contractors to build the access road, install power for the lift, and clear out the runs. Development and construction will continue through the summer of 2025, with plans to open the new terrain during the 25/26 ski season.
Where is the expansion?
The new terrain drops off the backside of the existing ski area boundary behind the Breezeway lift. The terminal will be located adjacent to the top of the Shagnasty run.
How will the expansion enhance the guest experience?
The Monarch Mountain expansion is designed to elevate the guest experience by increasing skier and snowboarder capacity while maintaining its reputation for being unspoiled, uncrowded, and unforgettable. By reducing congestion on existing trails, adding a greater variety of runs, and improving lift access, the expansion ensures guests enjoy more space, enhanced terrain options, and the unique experience of skiing/riding both sides of the Continental Divide—all while preserving Monarch’s unique culture and welcoming atmosphere.
What new lifts, facilities or amenities are included in the expansion?
As part of the expansion, Monarch will install a Skytrac three-person fixed-grip lift with roughly a 1000’ ft vertical fall line. Additional planned amenities include expanding our ski patrol outpost, a warming hut for guests, and vault toilets, ensuring both safety and comfort for visitors exploring the new area.
How will the expansion affect parking?
On most days of the winter season, there is more than enough parking at the ski area to accommodate all vehicles. For peak holiday and weekends, Monarch will utilize their satellite parking lots and shuttle system. To better accommodate our guests on these peak days and after the expansion, the ski area acquired the parking lot and building at the top of Monarch Pass three years ago, adding approximately 300-400 new parking spots. Monarch is actively encouraging guests to carpool and exploring other options to help manage future capacity.
How will the expansion affect the local environment?
The US Forest Service conducted a thorough Environmental Assessment prior to approval, determining that the expansion will not result in significant long-term impacts. While some short-term effects are anticipated during construction, such as minor disruptions, the assessment found no known long-term adverse effects on wildlife, botany, hydrology, climate change, scenery, or recreation. Additionally, like other areas on Monarch Pass affected by spruce beetle infestations, the removal of dead trees will help to improve forest health and reduce forest refuels.
What organizations were involved in the approval process?
After Monarch Mountain submitted its official proposal, the project was reviewed and approved by the U.S. Forest Service in collaboration with several governmental agencies, including the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), officials from Chaffee and Gunnison Counties, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP).
How will the expansion benefit the community?
Monarch Mountain serves as the largest winter recreational destination in Chaffee County, driving significant traffic to the local areas. With the terrain expansion, skier capacity will be increased, fostering economic growth and supporting local communities. The expansion will drive more visitors to local businesses, including shops, restaurants, and accommodations. Additionally, the increased visitation will create more job opportunities, bene ting the local workforce.