Solid Weekend

We had great conditions on the mountain after receiving measurable snow on seven out of the last nine days. Even better was that much of this snow had some higher moisture content along with warm temps on Sunday that helped our base set up a bit more. We were also able to get in a few firsts for the season.…

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Much Better

The storm snow over the last ten days has really helped to improve conditions. Thin areas have more cover and North through East aspects are skiing nice and soft. We have some more snow on the way Friday night into Saturday morning along with a few more waves during the first week of February. We’re getting in to the best…

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MCS Status

I had a chance to get out with the guides into the Monarch Cat Skiing terrain the other day. It was still a bit of a mixed bag but things are starting to come together and we hope to be touring soon. The operators have most of the over the snow roads built out including the drop all the way…

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Historically Slow Start

Well, we finally hit 100″ of YTD snowfall for the 2020-21 winter season today. It took us 137 days to get there with the one-hundred inch seasonal total including the early fall storm that happened way back on September 8th. Looking back on the last ten winter seasons, here are the dates when we reached 100″ of YTD snowfall. 2020-21…

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Looking Better

The new snow this week definitely helped to improve the conditions and the mountain is skiing nicely. Patrol was able to open the last remaining bits of closed terrain today. Lodgeview is now open along with Elation 4-10 and Lower Doc’s. It looks like we have some more snow on the way through the weekend and into early next week.…

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Lift Wars

Our Lift Operations crew at the bottom of Pano has been making the most with what snow we have and created some snow sculptures from a classic Sci-Fi movie series you may recognize. It’s good to see the Lift Ops crew have a little fun. They work hard and it has been an extremely challenging year on the front lines.…

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