Mirkwood Ridge

After a 10-20 minute hike up to the top of Mirkwood, most approach the bowl and peer over the drop. This open face has the most direct wind loading and consistent soft snow providing an open palette in which to carve your masterpiece. Always a solid choice. For those who enjoy tight trees and chutes, Mirkwood Ridge presents some incredible…

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Partner Resorts

I had a chance this week to get up to one of my favorite partner resorts that you can visit using the Monarch Mountain season pass. A-Basin has a great vibe, awesome terrain, and is just a few hour drive up the back-roads from Salida (Avoiding I-70 all together). I skied perfect woods, steep alleys and open bowls. Had the…

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Groomed Out

With the most recent snowfall and a break in the action on Saturday night, our Slope Maintenance team was able to really get after it. The crew groomed the most trails yet in a night this season. This included about half of our named trails including some winching on five of our advanced trails. It was a bluebird and corduroy…

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Double Digit Day

Amazing day. Anyone who was here today knows what I’m talking about. We reported 10″ new today with 7″ falling overnight. Best day of the year for sure. Maybe the best day in a while. Although last season ended early, it was still was a pretty good snow year. We had consistent smaller storms through almost all of the winter…

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Solid Weekend

We had great conditions on the mountain after receiving measurable snow on seven out of the last nine days. Even better was that much of this snow had some higher moisture content along with warm temps on Sunday that helped our base set up a bit more. We were also able to get in a few firsts for the season.…

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