Load Test

Our Lift Maintenance team has been hard at work all summer getting the lift fleet ready for the upcoming season.  Each aerial lift undergoes a load test when there is a major modification and/or every seven years.  This involves adding weight to each uphill chair to simulate a loaded lift.  The Lift Maintenance team fills multiple bins of water on each uphill chair to conduct this test at 110% of normal capacity.  The crew then runs the lift through a series of stopping and brake tests while putting it through its paces.  The Pioneer lift was up on the list for the 2023 maintenance season.  Everything checked out with flying colors and in conjunction with all the other work conducted this summer, our lift fleet is now ready for the annual lift inspection by the Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Board.  This inspection occurs annually in the fall months and is a regular part of our licensing process.  Soon we will be ready to go and instead of water bins, it will be all of us getting a ride up.