Miles of Roads

Ok. They aren’t real roads. They are snowcat roads that are made from snow. We call them over the snow roads. They are built bit by bit over the course of a couple of months by our cat skiing operators who farm the snow as it comes in pushing further and further out after each storm. Our operators handle the…

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Crown Jewel

While our Cat Skiing terrain may be the most dramatic, Mirkwood is really the Crown Jewel that links the ski area to the Cat Skiing permitted area. This zone is covered by both the special use permit for the ski area and the outfitter & guide permit for our Cat Skiing Operations. So, this terrain sees traffic from day hikers…

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What a week it has been! We have experienced several storm days with a 28″ snow total along with a few straight up bluebird days. Today is one of those with intermittent clouds on the ridgelines mixed in with patches of blue here and there. We have some crisp temps keeping the powder stashes cold and soft. There are also…

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