Looking Green

The mountain is looking exceptionally green this summer. Could be all of the tree work we have done over the years removing dead standing spruce. It might also be all the moisture we have received over the last month. Or possibly the clean & crisp clean air after an afternoon T-storm. Whatever the reason, it sure looks nice.

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Saw Team

The crew is at it again. For several years now, we have been getting a crew out on the mountain each summer that focuses on cleaning up high stumps, blow-downs, leaners and other woody debris on the mountain. All of these efforts help to get these items as low to the ground as possible so that we can venture into…

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Roy G. Biv

With the recent rain, mother nature is likely creating some rainbows out there on the horizon line. On days when these are not out in the sky to be enjoyed, we have our own that sits right on the deck overlooking the mountain.

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We get some really wild lenticular clouds over Salida that roll off the northern end of the Sangre De Cristo mountain range. It’s like a standing wave in the sky and they usually hint at some moisture to come in the next day or two. Wouldn’t mind a little rain!

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On the Move

The change in seasons has large game headed to the high country. This gang of elk was on the move as they headed from Ramble On towards their water source and more cover down below Geno’s Meadow and the Egress Road.

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Double Diamond Awards

I just returned from the Colorado Ski Country USA annual meeting in Denver. We heard more about other resort’s operations, caught up with old friends, and collectively wrapped up the 2021-22 winter season. One very nice tradition at this conference is to recognize people who excel in their positions and show a true passion for the winter sports industry. Our…

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