Tram Evac Training

Our Ski Patrol, Lift Maintenance, Lift Ops and the Crest staff members recently conducted some lift evacuation training at the tram. This is a requirement ahead of our licensing process with the CPTSB. It’s also good practice and training for all involved to make sure our procedures and systems work at the top of the pass like they do at…

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Monarch Mountain at the Crest

We are proud to announce the opening of the new facility at the top of Monarch Pass. Monarch Mountain at the Crest will offer an updated and modern retail outlet along with an excellent food and beverage experience on top of the Continental Divide. This facility will also provide a safe haven and stopping point for travelers, cyclists and hikers.…

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Spring Snow-Summer Clouds

The transition season is always an interesting one. We still have a ton of snow on the mountain but things around the base are starting to thin out some. The weather seems to be a mixed bag where you can see a bit of every type of weather in a day. Sunny mornings followed by convective waves of rain, graupel…

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Corn Turns One Day

We have had some beautiful spring days here to start the week. There have been some perfect spring conditions right around mid-day that have made for some great corn skiing and a really fun lunch lap. Despite the warm weather, it looks like winter isn’t quite over yet and will make a return on Thursday.

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From the Top

A nice little view from the top. Still a lot of snow on the mountain but the peaks are starting to look a bit patchy. After some warm days and a return of the wind, the mountains have taken on a springtime look. Snow on the leeward faces and gullies with bare ground on those facing the wind. Looks like…

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May Tour

I’m still trying to get out a few times per week for a ski tour. It’s been a warm week and some areas are starting to melt around the base area. However, there is still a lot of snow up on the mountain. It’s all about choosing the right time of day to get out when it’s not a frozen…

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Blanket of Snow

Is it mid-winter or spring? After several storms rolled through at the end of April, the peaks are looking beautiful under a blanket of snow. These spring storms have rolled in a bit warmer than our mid-winter storms and have brought with them a high moisture content with each event. This has helped to bolster our snowpack and subsequent runoff…

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April Showers

Ok. It was showers in town. Up here it was a foot of fresh. We always seem to get one or two big storms after we close. This was one of them. We picked up a few inches yesterday and then the fun started overnight. We ended up with 13″ at our snow study with another solid inch of water…

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