Waterdog Ridge

Here is a great photo from our drone shoot in April. The far high point on the left of the photo is the top of Mirk. The top of Pano can be seen beyond the low saddle. From there, the ridge stretches along the Divide to the north. Upper Waterdog Lake sits right underneath the high point of the ridge…

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Back & Forth

Right after closing, we had a couple of squalls that left a few inches here and there. Then we had a bunch of spring winds that deposited a dust layer all over the mountain. This darker snow layer was melting everthing off and the pack was going quick. Next we had the big storm that pushed through last weekend that…

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Sorry Not Sorry

At the end of the winter season, much of the year-round staff finds some time to get away before our summer projects get into full swing. While many base lodge and maintenance projects are already underway, getting some spring snow can further delay our on mountain projects. With the most recent storm that looks to be the case. So, while…

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Winter in May

The snow did return in a big way as we head towards the end of May. The mountain has once again taken on a winter landscape. High temps look to stay in the 30’s over the next few days with more chances of some additional flakes. We warm back up once we get towards the end of the week. CO…

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First Impression

A wall of dead trees. That’s what you have seen over the last few seasons driving into our parking lot. In this zone located in between our entrance and exit, there were numerous dead standing Engelmann spruce trees. The Patrol Summer Crew (aka Saw Team Six) worked diligently this spring to remove dead standing trees from this polygon adjacent to…

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Dust Layer

With the repeated strong spring winds, we have a very prominent dust layer on the remaining snow surfaces. This layer changes the albedo of the surface, causes the snow to absorb more of the incoming solar radiation, leads to increased melting and allows spring runoff to occur even more rapidly. This phenomena is challenging on many fronts in managing water…

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Still Skiing

Yes. It’s time to be hitting the trails on the mountain bike, getting the raft on the river or starting the garden in the backyard. However, if you still want to get some turns in with the use of your Monarch Season Pass, there are still a few of our partner resorts open. Loveland closes on Sunday and A-Basin plans…

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Pushing Piles

We spend all winter building it up. Now it’s time to break it down. The crew has been busy plowing around our base lodge and bottom lift terminals. This helps melting snow access our drainage system and speeds up the process of opening our summer access to these areas. It’s all about getting water to go where you want it.…

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Change of Seasons

It’s that time of year when we can see some different looking storms rolling in. As the surrounding terrain and air masses warm up during these spring months, we have more and more convective activity passing over the Divide. It’s a little disconcerting on a ski tour with some thunder in the distance. Time to start that descent!

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