
We have been working for several years to create better access to a portion of our permitted cat skiing terrain. Monarch was recently approved by the USFS and through USFWS consultation to create an over the snow access to this piece of terrain. This zone features southeast facing lines through cliff bands to a pick-up location down in the lower…

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Hanging On

We still have a few snowfields on the mountain that are hanging on. After a cool couple of weeks, things look to warm up next week with temps reaching into the 60’s on the Divide. We plan to get out of the base area and onto some mountain projects soon.

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Last Chair

I made it up to A-Basin the other day for one final day of accessing the slopes via a ski lift. They are the last remaining ski area in Colorado that is open for lift served skiing and riding. A-Basin is scheduled to close on June 6th. As a Monarch season pass holder, you get three free days at A-Basin.…

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Going Fast

Our snowpack is continuing to disappear despite several snowstorms this spring. We have had some rain which seems to expedite the process. The north and east facing slopes are still holding on but are starting to get a bit patchy. Won’t be long now.

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